Top Ten Reasons to Love Bats

Bats are amazing, don’t believe us? Count down through these ten reasons that bats are the best! Sadly bats in North America are being threatened by White Nose Syndrome. Start a campaign to help protect them and check out this fun Halloween activity to help you raise awareness about bat protection.

1) Bats are really unique; they are the only flying mammal

bat flying

2) Many bats eat insects, which helps to control bug populations

little brown bat

3) They are super social, living in huge colonies

Group of Lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) - wintering colony

4) When hanging upside down, they look like they’re dancing

bats upside down dancing

5) Bat droppings, called guano, is one of the world’s richest fertilizers


6) Swaddled baby bats look like an adorable burrito

swaddled baby bats
Photo credit: Australian Bat Clinic and Wildlife Trauma Center

7) Bats are really diverse, with lots of different species to pick a favourite

Indian Flying-fox

8) Many species are endangered and really need our help

Plecotus auritus

9) Bats are loud but keep it quiet for humans by making sounds at octaves we can’t hear

bat holding on a wall

10) They have a face that screams ‘love me’!

Sweet baby bat on my finger.

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. People don’t treat bats that well and being earth rangers it is up to us to protect bats and all of our fellow creatures that live on our beautiful planet earth no matter how weird, rare, common, cute or creepy they might seem