Top Ten Animals that Love the Snow

As the season changes from fall to winter check out this list of top ten animals playing, hiding, hunting and loving the snow. You might be inspired to grab your boots and coat and head outside for some fun of your own!

1) Do you think they can see me?

harp seal in snow
Harp seal

2) Oh yah…this is nice.

Japanese Macaque with baby
Japanese macaque

3) Watch out, I’m going in!

Wild fox jumping in snow

4) Just blending in.

white tailed deer
White tailed deer

5) Snow fight!

polar bear snow
Polar bear

6) Snowshoeing anyone?

Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe Hare

7) The snow just brings out the romantic in me…sigh…

Gentoo penguins
Gentoo penguins

8) Come on everyone…I know the way.

Young Emperor Penguins
Young Emperor Penguins

9) Who’s ready for a snowball fight?


10) Hey, where did everybody go?


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