Top Ten Animals Chillin in the Sun

Check out this top ten list of animals taking advantage of the warm sunny weather where they live. Which animal would you like to trade places with for the day? Tell us in the comment section below.

Sunbathing fox

fox sunbathing

It’s beach time for this fur seal

Fur seal on the beach

Hippo sun appreciation club

hippos, sun

Sweet lion dreams under the sun

lion sleeping

Sunbathing is serious business for this lizard

lizard, sun

Meerkat beach chair


Monkeys need R&R time too

monkey, resting

Relaxing otter style

otter, sun, napping

Tiger sun naps are always better with a log 

tiger nap

Turtle time in the sun

turtle, sun, pond

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  1. that was so cute say bird if you like the big cats one they are so cute what if it was pic of baby animals it is very cute and sad it is sad becouse some are endanger and it is cute becuse it is cute to see animals being lazy it is so cute the tiger was like ooo this is the greatest day ever. so that is why it is cute and sad you know what i mean.