Top Ten Animal New Year’s Resolutions

What’s on your list of things to do in 2015? Get inspired by some of these animal New Year’s resolutions then share your ideas for how to make this year the best one yet!

1) Make more time for dancing 

Polar bears dancing

2) Stretch every morning

seal stretching

3) Save for the future

chipmunk with peanuts

4) Smile more


5) Eat lots of green healthy food 

Giant Panda Eating

6) Spend more time with family 

elephant family

7) Fly somewhere far away

Goose flying

8) Exercise more

Macaque exercising

9) Make new friends 

Waxy tree frog love

10) Give more hugs

japanese macaques hugging

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  1. My New Year’s resolution is protecting the environment and animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am an animal rights activist!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The seal is an elephant seal, they are half the size of the male.
    You can tell the difference between an African and Asian Elephant.
    African Elephants have more wrinkles than the Asian Elephants and the ears are kind of shaped like the continent Africa.
    Asian Elephants have only one finger and eat mainly grass.
    Elephants respect their elders by putting their trunks’ into the elder’s mouth.
    All elephants drink 50 gallons of water a day.
    And, the monkeys are snow monkeys.