Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Wait… IT IS A BIRD!
Ahoy, Earth Rangers! Umber the double-crested Cormorant at your service! If you’re here, that must mean you’re a fan of the Great Lakes, just like me! Why am I such a fan of the Great Lakes, you ask? Have you seen their beautiful shores? They’re the perfect place for a bird like me to live!
Hold on… you’ve been sent here by Sheriff Pickles to track down that pesky Single-Use Plastic Gang?! Oh, I know a ton about plastic here. There’s a ton of microplastic in these waters!
What are microplastics? They’re tiny pieces of plastic that come from bigger plastic items breaking down over time. But, unlike compost and food, plastic doesn’t decompose – it never truly goes away.
Every year, around 22 million pounds of plastic enter the Great Lakes, eventually turning into microplastics. Fish can take in tiny microplastics just by swimming!
This isn’t just bad for fish. Animals like me drink the water and swallow these microplastics. And animals that eat fish, like sea otters, end up with microplastics too.
Let’s not forget about people! Over 40 million people depend on the Great Lakes for drinking water, which means microplastics affect them as well.
We need you – not just Sheriff Pickle’s team to stop this microplastic menace! The Great Lakes aren’t the only places under threat – lakes all over the world need our help. But we have the power to fight back! Let’s defeat single-use plastics by replacing them with eco-friendly, reusable picnic dishes!
How can you help? Here are some ideas to get started:
- Think before you shop: Choose items that aren’t made of plastic and try to pick products with less plastic packaging.
- Recycle and avoid littering: Always follow the 3Rs—reduce, reuse, recycle—to help cut down on waste.
- Organize a cleanup: Team up with friends and family to clean a park, beach, or any local area. Check out the Shoreline Saver Mission for tips!
- Say no to single-use plastics: Avoid disposable items like plastic cups, cutlery, bottles, straws, and bags.
Earth Rangers has some terrific tools to help you fight back! Make plastic-busting fun with our Plastic-tracker Creative Corner, and join the More Plastics, More Problems Mission to make a big difference!
Say NO to single-use plastics whenever you can. Cut them from your life and join the “More Plastic, More Problems” Mission today!