Pun-tastic Riddles #IX

Are you riddle-ready? We’ve got a punbelievable challenge for you!
How do bees stay positive?

What did animals say about the skunk’s new perfume?

How well has the horse been doing lately?

Are you riddle-ready? We’ve got a punbelievable challenge for you!
Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!
His is eaey
Haha I had a good laugh over some of these
I Loved it! It was so much fun!!!!!!!! I give it 10000 stars.
This was fun!
It was so fun
I wonder how it will be for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♡♡♡
The Skunk one was really hard but the horse one was hilarious
I had a good laugh and it was so much fun!
So fun!