Can you wolf-igure out what’s true or false?

Have you heard of the big bad wolf? Ever been told stories about wolves eating children, or told “Don’t cry wolf”?

These fairytales make wolves out to be scary beasts, but in reality, they are far from evil! The number of wild wolf attacks is very low. In fact, wolves would rather avoid humans completely.

Where did these myths come from? They started at a time when wolf populations were in conflict with farmers, who were angry because their sheep and cattle were being preyed on. Today, you can find these and many other stories about wolves, but which ones are true?

True or false?

Earth Rangers, let’s put your wolf knowledge to the test! Can you figure out which facts are true and which are false? Write your guesses in the comments.

  1. A wolf’s sense of smell is roughly 100 times stronger than a human’s
  2. Wolves are a threat to the elk population
  3. Wolves are the biggest members of the Canidae family
  4. Wolf packs are made up of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas
  5. Wolves love to howl at the moon at night
  6. Wolf pups don’t open their eyes for 2 or more weeks after they are born

Check back next week for the answer!

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Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. I have no idea which one is false and which one is true plus I’m terrible at true or false and don’t know that much about wolves but I think the last two ones were right, one wolves howl at the moon two wolf pups, I mean, newborn wolves, cannot open their eyes until its past two weeks from their birth