Hi Earth Rangers! My name is Gerardo, and I’m 9 years old. I live in Nicaragua and am part of a really cool program called the Sea Turtle Protection Project. Me and lots of other kids in my community are learning about and helping to save an amazing creature who really makes a splash – the sea turtle!

We learned how there are seven different sea turtle species in the world: flatback, green, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, and olive ridley. Sea turtles are reptiles that can be found throughout the world’s oceans, except for in the polar regions. Sea turtles are really big – they can grow from 2 feet to almost 6 feet in length, and weigh up to 1,400 pounds!
Some more cool facts about sea turtles: they can’t pull their head and legs inside their shells like many other turtles, but they do have many other amazing abilities, such as:
• Streamlined bodies that allow them to swim quickly
• A sense called “magnetoreception” that allows them to sense changes in the Earth’s magnetic field so they can navigate the ocean currents.
• The ability to hold their breath underwater for a looooooong time, sometimes as long as 7 hours!
As part of the Sea Turtle Protection Project, we’re also learning how sea turtles play a very important part in the ecosystem. In the oceans, sea turtles munch on sea grass just enough to keep it from overgrowing, which helps the animals that live there. Also, sea turtles lay their eggs on beaches and in sand dunes, and the eggshells they leave behind are great fertilizers for the plants on the beach. But what is really sad, is that, most sea turtle species are endangered or threatened because they face a lot of dangers out in the wild like climate change, plastic in the ocean, getting tangled up in fishing nets, and both animals and people eating their eggs.

But help is on the way! Our project takes place in the community of Salinas Grandes, where several species of sea turtles live. Aside from all of the cool stuff we’re learning about caring for and protecting the environment, we’re also participating in beach cleanups, protecting sea turtle nests, looking after sea turtle eggs in special nurseries, and releasing sea turtle hatchlings into the wild. Look how cute they are! And as an added bonus all this knowledge has helped me get good grades in the natural sciences subjects at school
While you may not be able to come to Nicaragua, you can still join our team! Visit the Adoptions section in the Earth Rangers App or check out the Earth Rangers Shop to get your Sea Turtle Adoption Kit and help save the sea turtles!
Your friend,

I love sea turtles! I want to be a sea turtle scientist when I grow up
Me to
Lov it!I think turtles are just as cute as dolphins ♥️
Honu!Honu! I love sea turtles
I’ve seen a sea turtle in the wild twice it was in the water
Wow i can t wait to get it!
I will join but i will do in hawai
Sea turtles are amazing
Best Sea Critter Ever!