We need your help! This bear is trying to tell us something but we can’t figure it out! Take a look at the picture below and see if you can come up with the best caption!
Post your ideas in the comment section below.
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Mmmmmm, what is this delicious creamy food? Mmmm, it’s soooooo good. Mm mm, I could live on this! I’m just gonna take some more- mmmm!
And go.”
Are there fish down here? Oh no, just snow
“Uh oh… not this again!!!” Thinks the bear
Hmmmmm what am I supposed be looking for today again?
Cannon ball
Wait so I’m not an ostrich ?
Oh not again!
Oh no, not again!
I’m gonna be an ostrich!whoops got my head stuck so I’m not an ostrich
“Uh oh I’m stuck!” Says the bear