This past year, Earth Rangers across Canada and the United States got gross for Planet Earth! We challenged our members to try out eight new habits that were totally gross–and totally good for the planet. Earth Rangers rose to the challenge! They weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. In fact, they logged a whopping 175,847 icky (and eco-friendly!) habits!

Mellow that Yellow
Earth Rangers avoided unnecessary flushing and cut down on water waste 27,012 times! Perfect with a capital P!

Boogie Down
Earth Rangers swapped tissue paper for reusable handkerchiefs 19,695 times! That’s nothing to sneeze at!

Bean Blast
Earth Rangers reduced their reliance on industrial farming by opting for veggie protein over meat 19,109 times! This calls for a celebratory toot!

Ready, Set, Sweat!
Instead of burning fossil fuels to get where they needed to go, Earth Rangers ran, rolled, or walked 24,888 times! Who’s ready to get sweaty?

Splash n’ Dash
Earth Rangers saved water by staggering their showers 22,026 times! Squeaky clean in half the time!

Squirm Squad
Earth Rangers tried out vermicompost – that means composting with worms! – 19,358 times. Get wiggly with it!

Trashy Treasure
Earth Rangers kept waste from the landfill by turning trash into treasure 19,347 times! A good pirate always follows the three ARRRRRRs: reducing, reusing, and recycling!

Leave it ‘til Later
Earth Rangers cut down on water waste by wearing clothes more than once before tossing them in the laundry bin! They did it 24,412 times! Folding and sorting can wait for another day!

It’s no fun getting gross alone! Earth Rangers took on the Gross Out Challenge together and logged record numbers of icky, nasty, eco-friendly habits! To celebrate their teamwork, everyone who participated in the Challenge has earned a super slimy set of rewards for their avatar!
The best reward of all? An adorable, shoulder-riding Worm Buddy – and a donation to support the work of earthworm researcher Stephan Paterson. You can read our interview with Stephen here. Stephan and his field assistant Samantha Bennett study the complex roles that earthworms play in their ecosystems. Since earthworms aren’t native to Canada, they can cause problems, especially in our forests. Earth Rangers can help by making sure worms stay in our backyards and gardens!
Now that everyone’s good and gross, why not take a refreshing dip into the cool, cleansing waters of the Big Splash Challenge? We’ve got a treasure trove of mermaid-approved tricks that Earth Rangers can use to conserve water–and fantastic rewards in store! Visit the Challenges section in the Earth Rangers App to sign up!