Podcast: Adelia Goodwin’s Secret Journal – Into The Jungle!

After finding famous missing conservationist Adelia Goodwin’s secret journal, Emma decides to embark on a quest to find Adelia. Shortly after her take-off she realizes that there’s a stow-away on board the plane! Paired up with her old pal Sonic Emma’s en route to the emerald green island of Sri Lanka, the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, to check out the last place that Adelia worked before she went missing. Starting in the small town of Deniyaya, Emma makes her way to the Sinharaja Forest Reserve before a huge surprise comes right for her! Let the adventure continue!

Click the play button on the player below to listen to today’s episode!

Check out these pages of Adelia’s journal:

Looks like Emma is retracing Adelia’s steps!
Adelia’s journal sure has a lot of information about the Sinharaja Forest Reserve! Look for clues about how Emma’s adventure will continue!

Stay tuned for next episode to see more pages!

Emma may just have embarked on an epic quest, but our junior wildlife reporters contest is still going on!

If you’ve ever wanted to be a podcast correspondent, here is your chance. You can create your very own animal report! It could be about your all-time favourite animal, with some cool wacky facts that nobody knows about them! Or it can be about some rare animals that most people would never have even heard about. Or cool conservation projects that happen in your neighborhood. You can even make your own quizzes, riddles and games. It is 100% your segment, but we will help you out a bit by adding cool sound effects! Ready? Click on the ‘Leave us a message’ button below!

By submitting a story before August 31st you’ll automatically be entered to the draw for a chance win an amazing Earth Rangers podcast bluetooth speaker!

Will Sonic swoop in and save the day?

What will Emma do about the snake?

Where will Emma go next?

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. This podcast was full of adventure, excitement etc. I am not going to give the surprise away. Sonic has to save Emma! I knew what it was from Emma’s earlier description as it was coming. It scared me! Please, do not keep us in suspense for too long. Thank you!