The outdoor areas in your neighbourhood don’t need to look empty in the winter. You can help fill them with animal life by setting up a winter bird feeder! Although many birds migrate south in the fall, several species live in Canada year-round, toughing it out all winter long. You can help these birds out by accepting the For the Birds Mission and building your own bird feeder!
To find out what birds you might see at your winter feeder check out this list of the top ten bird species that stick around for the winter. Since some species tend to be picky eaters, we have listed them based on their favourite types of seeds and nuts.
Black oil sunflower seeds
10. Black-capped chickadees
9. White-breasted nuthatches
8. Finches (house, purple)
7. Northern cardinals
6. Blue jays (also really like cracked corn)
Nyjer seeds
5. American goldfinches
4. Common redpolls (if you have birch trees nearby common redpolls will eat birch seeds too)
3. White-breasted nuthatches
2. Brown creepers
Cedar berries
1. Cedar waxwings
*Bird Feeder Tip! Try to avoid using seed mixes that contain millet because some birds won’t eat millet, which means the seeds will geminate as weeds on the ground the next spring. Black oil sunflower seeds (not striped sunflower seeds) and suet will usually attract the largest diversity of birds to your winter feeder.
Have you spotted any birds in your neighbourhood? Comment below to share your bird sightings!
Look for For the Birds in the Mission section in the Earth Rangers App!

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I LOVE birds I read lots of big books about ever single kind of bird and I wrote a journal entry on it and lots of other awesome things and when I see a bird I pull out my book and find it! :] :] :] :]
Me too, I love reading books about animals!
cool birds…
i sally feed the chickadees and the nuthatches. i feed them the sunflower seeds like it saids
I really love all types of birds but my favorite is the mourning dove. I have a bird feeder at home and it attracts lots of birds, even a rare red bellied woodpecker!
I love the black-caped chichadees. they are so cute.
I LOVE blue jays!!!! They come to my backyard all the time. I can almost hand feed them peanuts.
There are a lot of finches, warblers, and sparrows in my area.
You can attract Baltimore Orioles by hanging half an orange on a tree. I LOVE BIRDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have seen a white-breasted nuthatch, their song is so beautiful.
Birds are very pretty ;).