If you come across a young Bleeding Tooth fungus (Hydnellum peckii) you might be surprised by its appearance. Oozing out of pores on the top of this fungus is a gooey red liquid. Although you may think it has been damaged or hurt, don’t worry because it isn’t really bleeding.

The red liquid that seeps out of the top of the Bleeding Tooth fungus is perfectly normal. This red sap emerges from the fungus because of high root pressure, something known as guttation. As the fungus grows older, the pressure eases and the Bleeding Tooth fungus will turn brown.
I think it is realy awesome its like a bleading ball or something like that. I dont think you should touch that thing, it lokes poisonis.
Theres so meny things in this world that are cool and gross.
This is the best world ever
its not alive so no i think 1% not sure
actually its real
That’s the grossest, freakiest, creepiest, weirdest thing I ever saw. The only thing that would have a bleeding tooth like that would be an alien!
eeeeeeewwwwwwww is that real
i think i’m gonna throw up because the bleeding tooth fungus makes me feel sick 🙁
i think the world would be better if i where a fairy! oh great now you know i’m a girl well.. i don’t do too much girly stuff like putting lots and lots and globs of makeup on
no that can’t be real that is wickid and very gross im a girl but still that is awsome this earth is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gross and cool I LOVE THE EARTH
that is wicked i found one before at Fundy
so cool! I want to see one!