It is pretty amazing how adults and their babies can look so different from each other. Take a look at this list of top ten ugliest (but adorable) animal babies.
#1 Robin (Turdus migratorius)

Baby name: Chick
The numbers: Baby robins weigh about 5.5 g.
Fun fact: Chicks are fed by both parents and eat 35-40 meals a day!
Growing up: Baby robins leave the nest when they are 13 days old and become fully independent at 4 weeks.
#2 Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

Baby name: Owlet
The numbers: Barn owls lay 2-18 eggs.
Fun fact: The father brings food for the whole family but only the mother feeds the babies.
Growing up: Owlets have their first flight 50-70 days after hatching but they will return to the nest. They will stay close to home until they are 7 to 8 weeks old.
#3 Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

Baby name: Cub
The numbers: Giant panda cubs weigh 85 to 140 grams.
Fun fact: Mothers enjoy playing with their young. They have even been known to wakeup a sleeping infant so that they can play together.
Growing up: Cubs are born with their eyes closed, opening them after 3 weeks. By the time they are 3-4 months old cubs are able to move on their own but they stay with their mom for up to 18 months.
#4 Aardvark (Orycteropus afer)

Baby name: Cub
The numbers: A newborn weighs between 1.8 and 2 kg.
Fun fact: Normally only one aardvark is born at a time, but occasionally a mom will have twins.
Growing up: Baby aardvarks stay in the burrow for several weeks before heading out with mom for a nighttime food run. At 6 months the aardvark will dig its own burrow. Even though they have moved out the young cub will still stay close to mom for a few more years until they are ready to find a mate.
#5 Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)

Baby name: Chick
Fun fact: Turkey vultures will stake out a nesting site in a sheltered area like a hollow log or old building and they will use little or no nest for laying their eggs.
Growing up: The eggs hatch after 30-40 days and the young become independent after 80-90 days.
#6 Stump-Tailed Macaque (Macaca arctoides)

Baby name: Infant
The numbers: Females have babies every 2 years.
Fun fact: Baby Stump-tailed macaques live in groups with moms helping to care for each other’s young. Special attention is given to the infants of high-ranking moms. Young macaques also inherit this rank from their mothers, taking up their position in the group.
Growing up: Infants are weaned after 9 months and become independent at 1.5 years
#7 Tapir (Perissodactyla tapiridae)

Baby name: Calf
Fun fact: Tapirs are born with striped markings but they disappear by the time they are 6 months old.
Growing up: Young tapirs are weaned after 10-12 months.
#8 Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus)

Baby name: Piglet
The numbers: There are usually 1-7 piglets in a litter.
Fun fact: Newborn warthogs cannot keep themselves warm instead they rely on mom and a comfy burrow to keep their body temperature just right.
Growing up: Piglets stay in the den for 6-7 weeks before heading out with mom.
#9 Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)

Baby name: Calf
The numbers: Baby walruses are 113 cm long and weigh around 63 kilograms.
Fun fact: Dads don’t stick around instead groups of mothers raise their young together. The calf (baby) and cow (mom) form a very strong bond.
Growing up: A calf is weaned after 2 years and is able to find a mate of its own after 5-7 years.
#10 Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)

Baby name: Chick
The numbers: When they hatch flamingo babies weigh 85-102 grams.
Fun fact: Mating flamingos build their nests out of mud. The mound is twelve inches high and circular with a lower centre for the egg.
Growing up: The eggs hatch after 28-32 days and the chicks are ready to fly about 65-90 days later.
Those are cute.
how can these be ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are so beautiful and cute.!!!!!?!
I do not believe it.