Top Ten Birds with Cool Hairstyles

All of these birds could totally win an award for best hair. They’ve primped and preened and are ready to show off their cool hairdos! Which bird hairstyle would you like to have? Share your answer in the comments section below.

1) White-cheeked Turaco

white cheeked turaco- tauraco leucotis

2) White Crested Duck

White duck with a feather in her cap

3) Royal Flycatcher

royal flycatcher male- onychorhynchus coronatus

4) Collard Aracari

Collared Aracari

5) Crowned Crane

crowned crane

6) Emu

Emu Head from Side

7) Eurasian Hoopoe

Common or Eurasian Hoopoe bird picking insect

8) Hoatzin


9) Marabout


10) Secretary bird

secretary bird

Super Secret Bonus Word Scramble!

Gasp! What’s this?! You have discovered a super secret bonus word scramble. Can you unscramble the words and figure out the code? HINT! Each of the words can be found somewhere in this blog post. When you’ve got the code, put it in the code vault in the Earth Rangers App to get 10 bonus points!

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!