Top Ten Animals in Disguise

It’s October, which means many of us are looking for ideas for a Halloween costume. To help inspire you to come up with a great costume, we’ve collected a list of the top ten animals with the best disguises. These species may look like one thing, but they are actually something else! Comment below to share some of your favourite Halloween costumes.

1) This canine looks like a raccoon

Raccoon dog

2) This bird looks like a tree

Great Potoo

3) This fish looks like stones

Stone Flounder

4) This fly looks like a wasp

hover Fly credit Alvesgaspar
Hover fly. Photo credit: Alvesgaspar

5) This hedgehog looks like tumbleweed

Pygmy hedgehogs.
Pygmy hedgehogs

6) This feline-relative looks like a canine


7) This lizard looks like a snake

Slow worm
Slow worm

8) This wolf looks like a fox

Maned Wolf
Maned Wolf

9) This relative of the rabbit looks like a hamster


10) This gecko looks like moss

leaf tailed gecko
Leaf-tailed gecko. Photo credit: Frank Vassen

 Which animal disguise did you think was the coolest? Let us know in the comments!

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. Wow!I Some animals camouflage and some animals look like another animal.:)
    My favourite animal is the the canine because I thought it was a raccoon. :):)
    Witch one is your favourite animal?:)
    Please donate to birds2004 to help the western screech owl!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) 🙂 🙂 🙂