Happy World Smile Day

It’s World Smile Day! To celebrate we’ve brought together some of our favourite animals to see if they can make you smile. Do you have a toothy grin like a zebra, a sly smirk like an alpaca or a cheetah chuckle? Leave a comment to share which animal you look like when you smile.

Cheetah Chuckle

Cheetah Laughing

Red Panda SnarlSmiling Red Panda Bear

Sleepy Seal Smile

Sleeping Weddell Seal

Toothy Zebra Grin

Zebra smile

Sly Alpaca Smirk

Alpaca smile

Beaming Chimpanzee

Chimpanzee smile

“Hey There” Crocodile Grin

crocodile smile

Photobombing Ostrich Smile

ostrich smile

‘Laughing to Yourself’ Owl

Barn owl smile

Happiest Chameleon Smile

smiling chameleon

Earth Rangers is a non-profit organization that works to inspire and educate children about the environment. At EarthRangers.com kids can play games, discover amazing facts, meet animal ambassadors and fundraise to protect biodiversity.

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!