Have a safe and happy Halloween, from everyone at Earth Rangers!
Happy Halloween!
Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!
I got a lot of candy. Most of it was ether chocolate or chips
same i got lots of cjips
Cool! I got lots of KitKats.
i got 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 chocolate bars
it is my second day.
I didn’t let her act of any candy this year for my Halloween
i love owls and butterflys
i luv owls i have an owl as a pet
i have arachnophobia which is the fear of spiders
So do I !!
Happy Halloween go animals how much candy did you get ?!
Happy Halloween! Lets go animals!
happy holloween evreybody