Earth Day Trivia Challenge

It’s April, and you know what that means! Sure spring is here and summer is right around the corner but more importantly it’s Earth Month!

The planet has been waiting all year for April 22 and now it’s time to start celebrating and show the world how much we care about the environment! To get started, take the Earth Month Challenge Quiz and see how sharp your Eco-hero skills are.

lawn a) Water
b) Bees
c) Flowers
d) Grass

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… a) Water! By turning on the tap at night instead of when it is hot out, like in the middle of the day, less water will be evaporated or wasted, leaving more H2O for your thirsty plants!

phantom powera) Leave your electronics on
b) Unplug your electronics
c) Service your electronics
d) Turn your electronics on and off several times.

Find the answer here by highlighting with your mouse… b) Unplug your electronics. Lots of devices like computers, TVs, microwaves, and videogame consoles still use power when they are turned off so the best way to stop this wasteful energy usage is to pull the plug!

luncha) Make your lunch litterless by using reusable containers
b) Include local and/or organically grown food
c) Compost any leftover organics like apple cores and orange peels
d) All of the above

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… d)All of the above! This one was sneaky because by thinking about every part of your lunch time routine, from how it is packed to what food you take, you can make the Earth Saver Champion of lunches!

water usea) Kitchen
b) Bathroom
c) Basement
d) Living Room

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… b) The Bathroom! This is the spot where you can conserve tons of water by taking shorter showers, fixing leaking taps and turning the water off when you brush your teeth.

hallwaya) Walking
b) Skateboarding
c) Biking
d) All of the above

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… d)All of the above! These are all totally environmentally friendly. Remember if you have to drive to school, buddy up and start a carpool!

extinctionFill in the blanks

a) Flowers, trees, birds
b) Mammals, reptiles, amphibians
c) Videogames, MP3 players, movies
d) Paper products, plastic bottles, automobiles

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… b) Mammals, reptiles, amphibians. Sad but true. There are lots of animals at risk of extinction.

tigera) Buy products with cat pictures on them
b) Draw lots of cat pictures
c) Practice making meow noises
d) Don’t buy products made with fur

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… d) Don’t by products made with fur

gardena) Tall plants
b) Local plants
c) Small plants
d) Multi-coloured plants

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… b) Local plants! Not only will these plants grow better in your garden, they will also attract animals that live in your area. After all we like things we are familiar with.

soupa) Shark fin soup
b) Clam Chowder
c) Lobster Bisque
d) Sardine stew

Find the answer here by highlighting the next three lines with your mouse… a) Shark fin soup! This dish, commonly served at some traditional weddings, poses a major threat to sharks. By saying ‘no’ to shark fin soup you can help protect our oceans and keep the animals that live there safe.

Thanks for taking the Earth Day Trivia Challenge! Post your score in the comments below.

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