Super Ranger Logan Parachutes In!

Hi there Earth Rangers! We’ve got another AMAZING success story for you! Meet Ranger Logan, who is on a mission to help save animals and our planet! Ranger Logan is an EPIC Earth Ranger.

Throughout his AMAZING journey Ranger Logan has helped a whole bunch of animals, helping to ensure they have a safe place to call home! He’s helped by defending Little Brown Bats, protecting Pine Martens, and now he’s saving our little friends Salamanders! What a success Ranger Logan has had helping save these animals.

Wait – what’s that, in the sky?! Could it be… Super Ranger Logan parachuting in to save the day!

With a pretty ingenious idea Ranger Logan got to work creating Parachute Bracelets for his campaign. They were SO popular that he literally sold out! The success doesn’t stop there: the bracelets caught so much attention that he was even interviewed by a local radio station, Kool FM!

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Here’s what Ranger Logan has to say about this amazing experience: “I had a chance to be the Kool Kid, on Kool FM. I talked about being an Earth Ranger and the fundraising I was doing to protect the Pine Marten. It was such an awesome experience to get to talk on the radio! Charlie (the host) bought 10 bracelets, super Kool!!!”

Ranger Logan also wants to remind us all that reducing our energy consumption is SO important. He says, “I help the environment in any way that I can (and you can too!); I help by recycling, and reducing my waste. And, I make sure to always reduce the amount of water and electricity I use!” Wow Ranger Logan, you really are making a difference!

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Ranger Logan’s Flip the Switch Mission Submission – helping reduce his, and his family’s carbon footprint by using energy efficient lights in their home!

Ranger Logan wants to leave us with this message: “I became an Earth Ranger because I used to live on Vancouver Island, and we would see lots of different wild life every day. I would see Bald Eagles, Deer, Blue Cranes, Bears, Rabbits, Elk, Sea Lions, Star Fish, big Crabs, lots of Sand Dollars, and sometimes even Cougars (from a far distance!). I really think this is where I began to appreciate the wild life around me. For me becoming an Earth Ranger allowed me to make a difference for these animals, and protect them and their habitats. Knowing I’m able to contribute is a great feeling of accomplishment!”


Want to be an earth-saving hero like Ranger Logan? Check out these Missions!



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  1. Omg!! Your so lucky Logan!!!! On KOOL FM!?!?!?!? Dude,I have ALWAYS wanted to be interviwed !!!!

    That is soooo kool (with a “K”)

    Keep up the good work Logan!!!!

    Give me some tips!!!!!!