Super Ranger Diana Creates Bookmarks for Change

Super Ranger Diana became a member early in 2015 after seeing a motivational Earth Rangers segment on TV. Diana always wanted to help animals, so, when the chance arose Diana took the Earth Rangers pledged to protect animals and their habitats! Now, over 4 years later, Diana has acquired the much-deserved title of Super Ranger. On the honourable path of environmentalism Diana is ever-conscious of improving hers and her community’s sustainability and reducing her carbon footprint.

“In my community I always pick up litter when I go for a walk with my family. I also fill our bird feeder outside when it’s empty!”  Super Ranger Diana helps to reduce waste, and protect birds!

Diana caught our team’s avid attention with her incredible work on her missions and her Bring Back the Wild campaigns. She’s completed 17 missions, is currently working towards 8 more, and has fundraised for 3 different Bring Back the Wild campaigns! Below is a quick snap-shot of her incredible efforts!

Super Ranger Diana completes the Habitat Hero mission
Super Ranger Diana completes the Just 1 Tree mission
Super Ranger Diana completes the Battery Blitz mission

This summer Super Ranger Diana completed her Piping Plover Bring Back the Wild campaign by selling homemade bookmarks in her neighbourhood. Check out her awesome Fundraising Stand! With these bookmarks Diana reached the $250.00 milestone on her Piping Plover campaign!

Since originally taking the Earth Rangers Pledge Diana has reached level 6 on her Journey, has protected the Woodland Caribou, Gray Foxes, and Piping Plovers. In her time as an Earth Ranger Diana has raised $535.00 for endangered and at-risk animals – wow, that’s incredible!

Super Ranger Diana wants you to remember that it is our duty to protect endangered and at-risk animals “If we don’t protect the animals they could go extinct. If we don’t protect the environment the bees could die and we will have no fruit or vegetables to eat!” Thank you, Diana, for helping to lead us towards a greener future!

Want to be an earth-saving hero like Ranger Diana? Check out these Missions!


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  1. Hello, great work Diana! Speaking of Earth ranger missions and helping animals and the planet I have something to say. Hello, I’m on a mission to help bring awareness to the Vequita ( Phocoena sinus ), a species or porpoise that lives in Baja California, Mexico. There are only an estimated 92 left in the wild and many people still don’t know they exist! I am here to raise awareness in hopes that we can lift their population numbers. Join me on this quest by telling at least three others about the vequita.