Earth Rangers brothers Brady and Jacob have worked together to complete 11 Missions and Bring Back the Wild campaigns!
Brady, age 5, and Jacob (almost 8 years old!) make eco-friendly choices every day and have shared their enthusiasm for protecting the earth by completing Earth Rangers Missions and raising funds to protect their favourite animals through their Bring Back the Wild campaigns! They both became Earth Rangers in February 2017 after their mom heard about Earth Rangers from a friend at work – she was excited to show Brady and Jacob a Canadian organization that taught them how to take care of the environment and help animals!
Since then, the brothers have completed almost all of the Earth Rangers Missions which they find a lot of fun! Jacob’s favourite Mission was Toxic Takedown: “It was so cool making plastic from milk and vinegar. It was also really neat to see the baking soda and vinegar drainer cleaner work!” Brady’s favourite Mission was Shoreline Saver: “We were saving the earth by cleaning up all of the yucky garbage. We filled lots of garbage bags”

Brady and Jacob have also completed Outdoor Explorer, ATK in Action, Back to Nature, Spring Green-Up and Pollinator Power, just to name a few! These Missions have helped them put their eco-friendly choices into practice, at home and within their community: “At home, we recycle everything that we can. Mom always tells us Earth Rangers to check for lights and turn the ones off we aren’t using (she actually calls us Earth Rangers when we are making earth-friendly decisions!). Now that it’s nice outside, we walk/bike to and from school as many days as we can,” says Jacob.
“I pick up the garbage I see at the parks to help keep it clean. Here’s a picture of me picking up some garbage at my brother’s baseball game,” shares Brady.
The brothers have not only been working hard on their Missions, but they’ve also held their own Bring Back the Wild fundraising campaigns, raising over $300 each towards their Midland Painted Turtles and Bees & Other Pollinators campaigns! To exceed their fundraising goals, they created and sold postcards with funny sayings! Jacob brought his fundraising to his school, and actually started the process in getting Earth Rangers to present on April 26 where Jacob was asked to be part of the presentation!
Jacob: “I chose to help the Bees & Other Pollinators because they are important for helping food and plants grow”
Brady: “Turtles are my favourite! I wanted to save the Midland Painted Turtles”
Most of all, the brothers are super passionate about protecting the environment and are really happy to continue sharing their love for animals and the world. Let’s hear about why they think it’s important to make earth-saving choices every day:
Jacob: “It’s important to protect animals and the environment because the earth could get sick and die if we don’t take care of it. We only have one earth and we need to take care of it and the animals that live here. The future of the environment and wildlife depends on how we treat them now”
Brady: “It’s important to protect animals and the environment because the earth needs to be save and taken care of for future kids”
Thank you to Ranger Brady and Ranger Jacob on their creative and thoughtful work!
Click on the link below to Accept your next Mission today!
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WOW!! You guys did SOOO many missions and campaigns!!! GREAT job!
You guys are superheroes! Awesome job! I love reading these stories! It’s so cute how u guys help each other!
Way to go Brady and Jacob!
I’m so happy for you guys
Omg you are a something a real something
they are really good
good job!
I so happy for you guys! Good job
good work