Welcome back to Emma’s ultimate guide to national parks. Today Emma is playing a home game: She is visiting Bruce Peninsula National Park in Ontario, Canada – a place that she knows extremely well because this is where she used to go camping with her parents when she was little. Does she still know her way around this small but exciting gem of a park?
Let’s tune in and find out!
Today Emma has returned to her home province of Ontario to visit the beautiful Bruce Peninsula National Park. It is a place she’s hiked ever since she was a tiny conservationist and offers plenty of relaxing sights to enjoy.

Bruce Peninsula National Park is located along the Niagara Escarpment, which runs from New York all the way to Wisconsin. It has various limestone cliffs and caves that overlook the Georgian Bay. It is unique for housing various at-risks reptiles, like the snapping turtle, Massasauga Rattlesnake, Eastern ribbonsnake, and Eastern milksnake.

The most popular attraction of the Bruce Peninsula National Park is “The Grotto”. It is a water-filled cave that experienced visitors can hike to and enjoy. Even before getting there, there is a lot to see! For those who don’t like walking, the park can also be enjoyed in other ways, like swimming, canoeing, or kayaking.

Going home to enjoy an old national park is not without its own adventures. Emma received a strange message from Ryan, and more than that – had to experience what it’s like to be out during a sudden shift in weather! In all these ups-and-downs, now was no better time to check out Adelia’s pouch. What did you think she found inside?

Got any thoughts about Bruce Peninsula National Park? What about what was hiding inside the pouch? Or…that strange text message. Why do you think Ryan reached out to her?
Peninsula cool
I think I have Been to one of those places
I knew it was a snowshoe hare lol
Awesome!so pretty.
Can anyone see in there?
The last picture is amazing
I LOVE Earth rangers