At fight sight, you might think that the Killer Whale is part of the whale family but there is more than meets the eye with this well known underwater mammal. Killer Whales are actually the largest member of the dolphin family. It doesn’t matter which species they belong to because when they are hungry they don’t mind snacking on dolphins OR whales.
2010 is the Year of Biodiversity and Earth Rangers has teamed up with The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to bring you a daily dose of biodiversity basics
Dolphin?! I didn’t know that! I thought it was a whale
yeah so did i :p
orcas are the best i would like die if they instinked orcas are dolphins u didnt now that wow
i know that i have a book about dolphin it show all the family
i already knew that I LOVE THOSE ANIMALS SOOOOO MUCH 😀
orcas are strange
WOW! I didn’t know they eat whales!
Me neither!
wow I never knew all thatttttt
Oh my Eagle , what it’s a dolphin
wow it makes me realise there is so much more info than we can ever learn