The ringed seal (Pusa hispida) is a secretive animal. Unlike other seals, they carve out a lair in snowdrifts or ridges of ice to hide from predators. Special features of this hideout include one or more chambers and a hole in the ice to allow them to dive down into the water for food.
Help protect ringed seals with a Ringed Seal Adoption Kit, available through the App or E-Store today!
cute soo cute
Oh, elephant seals are cool too!
seals ar so cute I love them
Seals rule
I have a question.
Why is the real thing brown and the adoption kit white?
It’s because the adoption kit is a baby seal plush! Baby seals are white, and later molt to grow their gray/brown fur as adults.
Cool seals
It is the new fact that I learned it’s cool
Seals are the soooooooooooo cute and soooooo cold
Cute little elephant seal