Dolphins are social creatures and to keep the conversation going underwater they have adapted a form of communication that uses short chirps. These sounds are perfectly designed for traveling through the water and that’s why we are following their lead. Scientists are studying dolphin sounds and using this information to improve how we communicate in what is known as biomimicry or nature inspired design.
To warn people about a tsunami’s massive waves sensors are placed deep underwater. Getting information from a sensor about a big wave way out at sea to people on land can be tricky, not only does this message have to travel quickly over a long distance it also has to go through water. That’s why scientists have started talking like dolphins! An underwater modem for transmitting data has been developed that copies the way dolphins talk, Â it is currently being used as a tsunami early warning system in the Indian Ocean. What other things do you think we could we learn from dolphins? Post your suggestions below.
i love dolphins i love earth rangers
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove dolphins
i had already known this -__-
i like dolphins
Dolphins are so cute infact they are my second favorite animal my first favorite animal are sshhhaaaarrrrrkkkkkksssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cute dolphins are soooooooooooooooo adorable
my sister thinks dolphins are the best!
i think the dolphins are the most beautiful creatures!!!
My sister Ashley says “I love dolphins!!!”