What is the most unique fish? Well the sea horse is definitely in the running! While most fish have straight bodies, the sea horse has a snout and a curved neck that is similar to a horse (hence its name). New research suggests that this fish evolved to have this shape because it gave them an advantage when looking for food. Sea horses are ambush predators, they wait for an unsuspecting crustacean to swim by then they suck the prey into their mouths and swallow them whole. Sea horses use their tails to grab hold of things like coral, helping to keep them still while they wait for their dinner. Seems like that cool body shape comes in handy!
There so cute I love sea animals
They’re so adorable! I love all animals even the stinkiest xD
They’re beautiful
It look so amazing
really cute!!!!
So cute! adorable, I love them!
that’s so cool!!!!!!!!!!!
The male is the one that gives birth to the babies