Do you have a favourite summer getaway? That special place you go every year when the weather gets warmer? If so, you’re not the only one in the animal kingdom.

Beluga whales have been known to return to the same rivers and estuaries (places were rivers meet oceans) year after year. They visit these special spots to feed, get away from predators like Polar bears and Killer whales and to moult (get rid of dead skin).
Unfortunately, Belugas will keep returning to these areas even when it is unsafe. Since their summer hideaways are so predictable, it’s really easy for hunters to find them. In some areas, hunters have targeted so many belugas that it is believed they may have wiped out entire populations!
Thankfully, there have been limits put in place to make sure Belugas aren’t overhunted. These limits have already started to help protect Beluga whale populations, but they aren’t out of danger yet. Beluga hunting is still a problem in areas of the Hudson Bay. Scientists believe that if hunting levels continue, the Eastern Hudson Bay population could disappear in fewer than 10 to 15 years!

Can you picture yourself kayaking alongside Beluga whales?
Enter the Whales, Trails and, Polar Bear Tales Contest for your chance to win an awesome Arctic eco-adventure!
Source: COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Beluga Whale Delphinapterus leucas, 2004
I agree beluga whales are one of my most favorite animals on the world my sister became a earth ranger last year and she new I like belugas so she’s helping them but I became a earth ranger in 2015 so I can’t help the beluga whale
I saw a beluga in Marine land it was awsome!
belugas always looks so happy and funny – theyre so cool!
I used to see belugas and polar bears where I used to live. They’re beautiful!
We need to save the balouga’s
somtime’s cute XD
who will want to hunt such a cute whale
they ned to find 2 spots that ca be their home
The belugas are so cute but I wish we did not have to protect them
I love ❤️ belugas