Calling all Earth Rangers! It’s time for the Ultimate Season Showdown!
We’re going to pit the four seasons against each other: winter vs. spring vs. summer vs. fall! Which one is the best for our gardens – and all the creatures that live in them?


When spring has sprung, it’s a great time to get your garden prepared for planting. You’ll want to clean up any debris and add some topsoil. As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to plant those seedlings you grew indoors! Some plants don’t mind cool soil and can be planted earlier in the season – think potatoes, carrots, peas, lettuce, and spinach.
Be a Backyard Biologist: Springtime is when you’re going to see more birds in your yard. Try keeping track of all of the birds that you spot! Use a field guide to identify any species you don’t know.

In summer, it’s prime gardening time! The sunshine, warm weather, and rain are perfect for your plants to thrive and grow. You’ll be able to start harvesting your crops, like berries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. This is also the best time to visit farmers’ markets and enjoy all the yummy local produce.
Be a Backyard Biologist: Summer is when you’ll see lots of living things in your yard. We’re talking about plants, amphibians, birds, fungi, mammals, reptiles, insects… How many different groups of living things can you spot? Can you find them all?

Fall will arrive with its beautiful colors. When the leaves fall into your garden, you might be tempted to remove them – but leave those leaves for now! They provide nutrients for your soil AND they make a great overwintering habitat for lots of helpful insects: ladybugs, sow bugs, and caterpillars, to name a few! You’ll still have lots of tasty foods to harvest – think pumpkins, turnips, zucchini, and, apples!
Be a Backyard Biologist: If you want to see beautiful blooms in spring, fall is the perfect time to plant bulbs! You can plant tulips, daffodils and crocuses in the cool weather, and they’ll flower when things warm up!

Now, you might not expect much to be happening in your garden during the winter, and you’d be correct if you live somewhere that experiences prolonged cold temperatures and snow. Even though there aren’t any plants to be seen under all those snowflakes, now’s the perfect time to keep track of the birds and creatures who visit your yard.
Be a Backyard Biologist: Be sure to put out a well-stocked birdfeeder. And don’t forget – winter is the perfect time to plant seeds indoors so they’re ready for your garden when the warmer weather arrives!
Which season do you think should win the ultimate showdown?
It seems each season has its strengths – so which one wins the Ultimate Showdown? Is it going to be winter, spring, summer or fall? Vote for your favorite in the comments section below!

Want to learn more about your yard and all the critters that live there? Check out the Backyard Biologist mission on the Earth Rangers app!

Winter is here!!
Spring is the best one plants hibernation ends
You name it lots of animals I’m not saying other seasons are not good I’m just saying in my opinion Spring is the blossom season I’m chill if the animals are alive and happy
I like summer and winter
Spring is coming and right now it’s a very warm winter.