Wow, this is nice and warm…

Hello there, young Earth Ranger! Want to know what I am doing in here with snow on my head?
I am going to let you in on a little secret. People aren’t the only ones enjoying the benefits of renewable energy. Animals do too!

Japanese macaque monkeys like me live in mountainous regions, where there’s always a lot of snow. In fact, we’re sometimes called snow monkeys. But we have a clever way to keep warm: taking a bath in a hot spring.

The key to these heavenly hot tubs is geothermal energy. That’s the heat that comes from within the Earth, such as steam from lava flows or magma in the Earth’s core. That heat can be captured as energy, which humans can then use to heat homes or generate electricity. And best of all, it’s a renewable resource that doesn’t pollute the environment!

There’s a lot more to learn about renewable energy. You can expand your knowledge by checking out the We’ve Got the Power Mission on the Earth Rangers app to learn all about geothermal power (along with other types of green energy)!

The monkey is so cute
I thought this was cool
The monkey is so cute
So cute
Love these guys
a snow monkey!?
It’s so cool that the monkey stays hot in winter
I didn’t know that monkeys lived in the mountains!
Also, they are SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!