How much do you know about bottled water?

Let’s test how much you know about bottled water. Take the quiz below, keep track of the number you got right and let us know in the comments section how you did. For this quiz, there can be more than one right answer for some of the questions!

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a) 187 times
b) 269 times
c) 342 times
d) 53 times

Highlight to reveal answer: b) 269 times

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: b) False – there are fewer regulations (rules) on bottled water than tap water.

a) A well
b) A glacier
c) A public water supply (like a tap)
d) A spring

Highlight to reveal answer: All of the above

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: a) True

a) About 1 year
b) About 10 years
c) About 100 years
d) About 1000 years

Highlight to reveal answer: d) About 1000 years

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: a)True

a) Sea otters
b) Fish
c) Penguins
d) Whales

Highlight to reveal answer: All of these animals might eat plastic mistaking it for food.

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: b) False – there are times when people have to buy bottled water but you can reduce your impact on the environment by always recycling your bottles.

a) It fills up their stomach so they can’t eat real food
b) Nothing – Their body breaks it down like regular food
c) Animals would never mistake bits of plastic for food
d) They get super powers

Highlight to reveal answer: a) It fills up their stomach so they can’t eat real food

a) True
b) False

Highlight to reveal answer: b) False – it is the same amount of energy to run over one million cars for a year!

How many did you get right?

[accordion_set] [accordion title=”References” active=”no”]’
– Merkel L, C Bicking and D Sekhar (2012). Parents’ perceptions of water safety and quality. Journal of Community Health 37:195-201.
– Rungchang S, S Numthuam, X Qiu, Y Li and T Satake (2013). Diffusion coefficient of antimony leaching from polyethylele terephthalate bottles into beverages. Journal of Food Engineering 115:322-329.
– Saylor A, L Stalker Prokopy and S Amberg (2011). What’s wrong with the tap? Examining perceptions of tap water and bottled water at Purdue University. Environmental Management 48:588-601.
– Westerhoff P, P Prapaipong, E Shock and A Hillaireau (2008). Antimony leaching from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic used for bottled drinking water. Water Research 42:551-556.
[/accordion] [/accordion_set]

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