Have fun, stay safe and remember to help protect bats while you are trick-or-treating by bringing your bat donation box.  With your support, we can help protect the Little Brown Bat, a species that’s facing serious population decline because of white nose syndrome.
Happy Halloween!
Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!
I’m new to earth rangers and I’m ready to help the Little Brown Bat. Just started it today.
What were you guys for Halloween I was a skeleton.
I was a rain cloud!
I was a cat meow meow !! :):)
That pic is sooooooo cute!!!!!!
Definitely cute!
Love it
I LOVE BATS but i cant start a campain for the little brown bats yet because i didnt finish my othger campain for the swift fox
i love halloween too ……………………………………BOO!!!!!!!!
AHHHH so scary 🙂
Bats are so amazing and different ways! I just love them!!!!!
Hi i’m collcting money for little brown bats.
Brown Bats Are awesome!!