Halloween is just around the corner and what’s more Halloweenie than skeletons? Check out these animal x-rays courtesy of the Oregon Zoo and let us know which one you think is the coolest. We like the ball python!

Toco Toucan

Rodrigues Flying Fox

Ball Python

A Beaver’s Tail

my favourite was the ball python
Same I really like ball pythons
Same snakes are my favourite animals
Honestly one of the coolest things I’ve seen on the internet yet! I wish this could be my wallpaper!
My favorites the Python and the flying fox!
I think this is really cool how the diffrent shapes and padderns are inside them
the otter tail looks creepy at the sam time as cool.
my favourite was the Toco Toucan.
The ball pythons skeleton is so cool.
The bat skeleton is so creepy.
The otter tail is so cool because you can see the out line of it but you can all so see the skeleton.
I like beavers tail