Who would you BEE?
Meet the Western Bumblebee!
Did you know that about 1 out of every 3 bites of food you eat was grown with the help of a bee? They pollinate flowers, fruits, and vegetables… these helpful insects are anything but pests!

Have you ever wondered how life as a bee would… well, BEE? Today is your chance to find out! Life in a busy, buzzing hive differs quite a bit from bee to bee! Though many might look similar at a quick glance, they actually have different goals and attitudes. Maybe you resemble a determined worker bee, an adventurous drone bee, or a total #bossbee… the Queen! Take this fun quiz to discover your place in the hive.
Compare your results with your family members and see if you agree! Post a picture of your family acting out their newly-found roles with the hashtag #EarthMonthforAnimals to get some buzz going about this powerful pollinator!
Looking to learn more about bee families? Check out this sweet article on the Wild Wire.
Every Earth Ranger knows that Earth Month is for the animals! Our Wildlife Adoptions Program educates kids and families about the importance of protecting biodiversity, highlights different species and conservation projects across Canada, and raises funds for research, species monitoring, and habitat conservation, and more!
Want to adopt an adorable bee to add to your hive at home? With FREE SHIPPING on our Wildlife Adoptions program until Wednesday, you’ll save on supporting the conservation of the Western Bumblebee. Just use code EM32020 on checkout!
Your adoption will help support the creation of bumblebee habitat full of flowers, nesting spots, and protected overwintering sites to help restore endangered bee populations.
Don’t forget about Earth Rangers LIVE ONLINE today at 2pm EST on our Facebook page!
Earth Rangers Sarah and Bailey will be back with more fun featuring one of our animal ambassadors, LIVE from the Earth Rangers Centre!
How we’re helping Western Bumblebees:
The western bumblebee is a habitat generalist, which means it can live in a wide variety of ecosystems, from mountains to forests to prairie grasslands. But even though they’re not picky about where they live, western bumblebee numbers have been shrinking due to habitat loss and fragmentation, as well increasing agriculture and pesticide use. This species was once considered one of the most common and widespread bumblebees in western Canada, and we need your help to bring it back.
That’s where you come in! Earth Rangers is working with Nature Conservancy Canada (NCC) to restore this important species throughout southern Saskatchewan. When you adopt a western bumblebee, you will help NCC to acquire lands once dedicated to agriculture and transform them back into pristine bumblebee habitat with native flowers, nesting spots, and protected areas where the bees can survive over winter.

Funds raised will be used towards activities like planting herbaceous flowering plants, building artificial bumblebee nest structures to encourage the establishment of colonies, and educating people in Saskatchewanians about how we can help this crucial species through NCC’s Conservation Volunteer and Indigenous Youth Education Programs.

I loved the western bumblebee – Lorri Barnett .
I’m a worker bee