Eco-Activity: Eliminate energy-wasters in your home


Eliminate Energy Wasters in Your Home

Did you know there are some serious energy-wasting offenders hiding in your home? When we use too much energy, even more energy needs to be made, which puts unnecessary strain on our planet’s resources. This can lead to increased CO2 emissions and ultimately contribute to climate change, which affects animals all over the world. We need your family’s help to cut out these culprits!

The Power Phantom has been stealing your energy through the unused electronics and appliances you keep plugged in and on standby. It can steal up to 100 watts of energy at a time!

Stop it by: Unplugging electronics and small appliances when you aren’t using them.

The Thermo Inferno grows bigger the hotter you keep your home in the winter and the colder you keep your home in the summer. It spreads throughout your home, eating more and more energy, up to 200 kilowatt-hours a year per degree!

Stop it by: Lowering your thermostat by even 2 degrees to make a difference. If you can program the thermostat to lower the temperature while you’re sleeping and don’t need as much heat, even better! Now that it’s spring, you may even be able to turn it all the way off on warmer days and let the sunshine do the work instead of your furnace.

The Devious Draft has been breaking into your home through small cracks under doors and windows, and in walls and ceilings! It blows cold air into these cracks, making you use extra energy to keep your home warm. 

Stop it by: Finding drafts around windows and doors by running the back of your hand around the frames. If you feel air blowing on your hand, you’ve caught the devious draft red-handed! Time to seal it up!

Interested in learning about an even greener future when it comes to energy use at home and around the world? Check out this article on the Wild Wire!


  1. In the winter we have our heat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit and in the summer it is 70 or more degrees Fahrenheit. We also have a geothermal heat pump that we use for heat so I think we’re pretty good at stopping the thermo inferno.