Eco-Activity: Upcycled plant palaces


Upcycled Plant Palaces

We don’t know about you, but we’ve gotten very well acquainted with our household plants over the past few weeks! As a thank-you for helping us feel those spring vibes inside, we want to give them some extra love! Looking for fresh new digs for your springtime seedlings? You may have all the materials you need in your recycling bin! Using just plastic containers, glue, water, and recycled paper you can paper mache your way to a unique plant home! Here’s how:

1. Hop around the house and look for colourful paper scraps that can be used for your masterpiece. Some options could be: magazines, newspapers, mailers, or seasonal cards. Begin by cutting your findings into fun sizes and shapes.

2. Prepare your glue by diluting it with a little water in a wide-mouthed dish until it is slightly runny.

3. This is where things start to get a little messy! Turn your container upside-down and start on the bottom. Dip each scrap piece into the glue until fully saturated, then layer onto the container. Smooth each piece into position with your fingers. Be sure to overlap your pieces and to fully cover the container. Ideally your pot should eventually have two to three layers of overlapping paper pieces so it stays strong.

4. Allow your pot to dry completely. Depending on the temperature and the thickness of your paper layers this will usually take at least 48 hours. Feel free to create this craft in stages over the span of a few days, just don’t forget to cover your unused glue dish so it doesn’t dry up too!

5. Once your creation is totally dry, flip it over, trim any loose edges, and transplant your seedlings. Don’t have any seedlings yet? Check your fridge for seed-bearing veggies (like tomatoes and cucumbers)—just soak the seeds in water for a day, dry them, and they’re ready to plant!

This recycled craft ensures that less waste ends up in landfills and waterways where it can pollute the environment or hurt wildlife. Share your animal-saving decor with the hashtag #EarthMonthforAnimals to inspire your friends to make Earth-friendly art!