Sock snowman

Still struggling with what to do with odd socks? It’s a waste to toss a whole pair when just one has worn out, or a single when the other has gone missing. Turn it into an adorable snowman!
Here’s what you need:
- An old sock
- Scissors
- 2 paper balls (one larger than the other)
- Yarn or String
- Markers
- Buttons or Push Pins
Here’s how you make it:
Step 1: Cut an old sock just below the heel.

Step 2: Put the big paper ball in the sock and push it to the bottom.

Step 3: Tie a piece of yarn around the sock above the paper ball to form the body of your snowman.

Step 4: Put the small paper ball in the sock and tie a piece of yarn around the sock’s opening. This will be the snowman’s head!

Step 5: Make a scarf by cutting a thin strip off of your leftover sock piece. Cut the strip open and colour it. Tie the scarf around your snowman’s neck!

Step 6: Stick buttons onto the body, then draw on the eyes, nose, and mouth!

This game it’s so fun has anybody seen?
I named mine franky
So cool
Yes you are right
It’s so cute! I wish I could try this but all my socks are fine. 🙁
I love you the snowman butt I really like that still, the smell smell very bad
I love it so much I named mine Snover
It sounds good.
It’s not just cute, but it is also very easy and creative
I really like it but it’s really good because you’re using a old sock and it’s a good idea. I used thick socks.