Candied Bird Nests

Candied Bird Nests

Time:25 min Difficulty:Medium  

Sure, you can nestle away from the cold, but ever heard of a nest you can eat? This chocolaty delight can be enjoyed anywhere, even in your very own nest that you call home!

Here’s what you need:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Chocolate chips
  • All-bran, Fibre One or Rice puff cereal
  • Candy eggs
  • Cupcake liners
  • Help from an adult

Here’s how you make it:

Step 1: Ask a grown-up to help melt the chocolate chips.

Step 2: Stir in the peanut butter until both chocolate and peanut butter are perfectly blended.

Step 3: Add your cereal to the peanut butter chocolate mixture. Mix until the cereal is completely covered by the mixture.

Step 4: Scoop your mixture into your cupcake liners.

Step 5: Use a spoon to push your rice mixture down and form a small “cup” shape. Your cereal mixture should start looking like a nest now!

Step 6: Place your nest in the freezer for 20 mins or more. Once it’s ready pull the nests out of your cupcake liners. Arrange some candy eggs in its center and there you have it! Your very own tasty bird nests.

If you don’t think you’ll finish all your bird nests in one sitting, you can refrigerate them to have later.

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