Greetings from Saskatchewan, Earth Rangers! Summer might be on its way out, but in the prairies something much more exciting is making moves: monarchs! Here’s an update from Becky at Nature Saskatchewan to catch us up on the latest news about our fluttering friends!
In anticipation of their arrival to the prairies in early August, Nature Saskatchewan staff researchers were busy planning and doing fieldwork. With the native prairie in full bloom, 7 staff were out searching for the milkweed and flowering plants that monarchs rely on, visiting local land stewards to share information and raise awareness about just how important their properties are!

Although it was still early in the season, staff were very optimistic that all the important prairie habitat being conserved by land stewards was helping, and that they’ll see many monarchs in the coming weeks. There were already a few early sightings, including this awesome pic from the field!

So far, Nature Saskatchewan staff have visited with 91 land stewards, and almost half are already participating in the Stewards of Saskatchewan programs – amazing! 32 have signed agreements to conserve and not destroy habitat, all while reporting each year on their observations, and were equipped with a handy “toolbox” of information from Nature Saskatchewan to help them be successful stewards of this important ecosystem. Thanks Becky for the awesome update!
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Monarchs are so awesome 😀
That awesome. They asking people to help out .
Monarchs are absolutely amazing. Here’s a fun fact about them: in English their scientific name means “sleepy transformation”.