It may feel like it’s worlds away, but Bahía San Antonio is a special place for Canadian populations of the Red Knot! Every winter this migratory shorebird makes the long journey south, using this Argentinian beach as a stopover site to rest up and refuel. But as more and more people use the beach, it’s getting harder for the animals that live there to find safe spaces to call home. That’s why we called on you, Earth Rangers, to help support researcher Patricia Gonzalez, her Fundación Inalafquen, and the Provincial Environmental Rangers, as they worked to protect Bahía San Antonio, and we’re so happy to report you’ve done an incredible job!
A red knot takes flight… …while a Patagonian Sea Lion sticks to the closer to shore at Bahía San Antonio!
Thanks to the help of hundreds of Earth Rangers, Patricia Gonzalez and her team were able to accomplish some pretty amazing things! The rangers were able to prevent almost 100% of incidents of people disturbing shorebirds (through things like accidentally walking too close to their roosting sites), and when it comes to decreasing traffic of off-road vehicles, the team was able to reduce the number using the beach from 127 to just 6!
Patricia and her red knot friend! The rangers pose with their sign, helping teach passersby about the red knot!
This incredible work would not have been possible without all your help, Earth Rangers – give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done 🙂
The Red Knot and Patagonian Sea Lion Wildlife Adoptions Projects were in partnership with:

So cute
It is very cute and adorable
I ❤️ Animals too but I like rabbits and birds and I also like different kinds of bears and sea creatures like the squid I ❤️ squids.
Love the redknot
Theat is umasing
I love animals ❤️ So amazing this is so adorable so cute and really really really really and really really really really really really really really really adorable
Wow! what you do is incredible!
The Red Knot is amazing!
Thank you