Earth Rangers, your AMAZING work in the Big Splash Challenge is making WAVES!
As part of the challenge, you logged over 250,000 climate-friendly habits to help protect water! To celebrate, we teamed up with Water Rangers to get water quality testing kits to two awesome programs. Les Scientifines and the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Water Monitoring Program are using these kits to teach young people to take care of rivers, lakes, and ponds, keeping them clean and healthy for everyone!
Les Scientifines: Helping girls discover the wonders of science
The water quality testing kits are helping the work of Les Scientifines in Montreal. They inspire girls with fun, hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) activities. With these kits, the girls get to test water, discover tiny bacteria, and learn about water pollution. This fun learning helps them get the skills to solve real problems that’ll help to keep our planet safe!

MNO Water Monitoring Program: Helping young people protect water
The MNO Water Monitoring Program is training Métis youth across Ontario how to check the water quality in their communities. They’re learning how pollution and climate change are affecting the lakes and rivers in their traditional territories. This hands-on learning helps them become stewards of ‘no tèr pi noz o’ (our lands and waters), teaching them why water quality is so important and how to keep it safe!

Making waves
Thanks to your amazing work, these two programs are making a BIG SPLASH in their communities! With these awesome tools, young people are learning about science and how to protect one of our planet’s most precious treasures—water!
But guess what? The fun isn’t over! Whether you joined the Big Splash Challenge or missed it, you can still help out. Check out our new Myth-Buster Challenge! In this challenge, you’ll become the ultimate myth-buster! You’ll tackle villains that spread climate myths. Join us now to keep learning, exploring, and making a big difference for our planet!

OMG it’s so much fun
I’ve participated in gross out, big splash, and I’m in the mith busters.
Cool coollllllllllllllllllll
Yeah earth Rangers now they were all special. What do you want to do like I need to tell you something answer this question what’s your favourite animal? Which one did you buy me? I bought the otter and I’m gonna get one for my brother the wolf the Wolf.
I love this app
Let’s save the world and save animals let’s go
How long did it take you to do it?