If you were a tree, would you rather have…
Colourful leaves that you lose in the fall or needles that stick around all year?
Tell us which one you pick in the comments!
More “Would You Rather” Questions!

Trees are TREErific allies! They give us shade, food, air to breathe, all while absorbing greenhouse gases and helping us fight climate change. Don’t you think they deserve a big thank you? Look for Tree Hugger in the Challenges section in the app!

Needles to stay warm and alone
Leaves then I would be pretty
Needles to be alone.
Leaves cause when snow falls on the branches of a tree the look good
I would like to have leaves that fall at fall because then kids can play with them at fall
Spikes because i will be warmer when it’s winter
Pinebecause I could be warm and they look pretty but leaves also look pretty
Leaves because I would be colorful
I would rather have pine needles rather than losing colorful leaves.