Would You Rather #20

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Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!
Snake because it’s safer than in the sea
I can’t decide I think maybe the sharks cuz you you can go slowly so the sharks don’t notice you but I am scared of it but possibly mistaking you for a seal but I’m still going shirts cuz I am I have a phobia of snakes
I would do the sharks? I don’t know though cuz you can like go slowly but this works think you’re a seal but I do not trust snakes I have a phobia so I’m going with sharks just got to hope they don’t think I’m just going to hope they don’t think I’m a seal
A shark
I’m gonna go with the snakes
Sharks, because they don’t hurt people very often.