Would You Rather #20

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Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!
Snake because it may not be poisonous…
I would rather sleep with snakes if they are not poisonous
Swim in shark infested waters because sharks are cool!
Oh my God this is probably the hardest would you rather I have ever heard of but I think I’m going to go for the sharks that’s my first time saying something else besides a reptile because I’m in love with reptiles and they are just super cool and I like and I like how like they slither and like they crawl because I literally really want a pet lizard but instead I can’t get one because my mom hates reptiles so I would probably be shark and right now I’m watching shark week which is pretty crazy so yeah could I like choose the shark cuz I’m going to say great white cuz they’re like the biggest sharks ever no they’re the biggest fish ever
Snak den
I would say sharks because it does not say what type of sharks because what if it was whale shark infested waters which only eat a type of plankton (zooplankton) plus snakes on you when you sleep brrrr
I would sleep with snakes because who said they had to be posonous?