Are you a myth-busting super ranger? Were you able to wolf-igure out what wolf facts are true and which are false?
We got a ton of great guesses in last week’s True or False, it’s time to find out who got it right! Are you ready for the great reveal?

The answers are…
- A wolf’s sense of smell is roughly 100 times stronger than a human’s – TRUE
Wolves have a very strong sense of smell – even better than dogs! This helps them to track prey as well as other wolves. Their smell also allows them to communicate with each other, and make sure they’re not too close to another pack’s territory. - Wolves are a threat to the elk population – FALSE
This is a myth often brought up to argue against the reintroduction of wolves into an area, from hunters and rangers who are worried that wolves may wipe out important game needed to eat.
There is no proof that wolves are a threat to the elk population that lives in their territories. Research shows that in some areas where wolves were reintroduced the elk population has even increased. This is thanks to wolves primarily hunting weak and sick elk, creating stronger elk herds. - Grey wolves are the biggest member of the Canidae family – TRUE
Canidae is the family of dogs, coyotes, foxes, and…wolves! Of all these animals, the grey wolf is the biggest one. They can grow up to 6.6 feet long and 2.5 feet tall. - Wolf packs are made up of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas – FALSE
The concept of an “alpha” wolf or any beta and omega is an inaccurate and outdated idea. This myth came from the idea that there are dominant or powerful “alpha” wolves who fight their way to the top, but in reality, a pack of wild wolves consists of families with parents and their children. The family works together to survive. As they grow older, young wolves might leave their parents’ pack to start a family of their own. - Wolves love to howl at the moon at night – FALSE
Wolves are often depicted howling at night under the moon, and while they do howl, it’s not at the moon! If you hear wolves howling at night, they’re most likely communicating with one another. There is no connection between wolves and the full moon. - Wolf pups don’t open their eyes for 2 or more weeks after they are born – TRUE
Wolf pups are born both blind and deaf. They open their eyes about 2 weeks after birth and take a few extra days to see shapes very well. During this time, they stay in their dens and are cared for by their parents.

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So fun
Wolves are cool!
I am going to help wolves!
I did it
Wolf’s are cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3/5 I was soooo cloooose
Wolves are my favorite animal!!!
Fun Fun fun????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!