Pixel Puzzler #4: Guess the Animal, Part 2

Last week, we posted the first clue in our Pixel Puzzler challenge and we got lots of great guesses. Let’s see how many of you know what animal this is now that the picture has gotten a little clearer.

Think you’ve got it? Click here to find out if you’re right!

Looking for more fun stuff? Click here to try our other Pixel Puzzlers, come up with a funny caption, or take a quiz!

Heads Up, Earth Ranger: Don't share any personal details in your comments (like your last name, school name, or even age). The Earth Rangers team checks all comments to keep it safe and fun for everyone!


  1. Hi I’m Addison ! I have a little sister named Aubrey and she also has earth Rangers!Well let me introduce myself! So I’m 8years old and I have a dog named Robin and he is 11 years old and in dog years he is 77years old! Well I think I have told you almost every thing ! Oh one last thing I think that picture is a Lion!