Ever wondered which arctic animal you’re most like? Take this quiz to find out who would play you in the movie version of your life. Let us know what animal you got by leaving a comment below. Annnnnd ACTION!
Quiz: If your life was made into a movie, which arctic animal would play YOU?
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Beluga whale
I got an arctic fox and I do not understand how
Arctic hare
Beluga whale
I’m an arctic fox . Did you know…These funky little foxes like to experiment with their style. Believe it or not, arctic foxes trade in their sleek, snow-colored coats in the summer for brown and grey in order to stay hidden against the grass and dirt. If arctic foxes watched TV, they would definitely be watching the Food Network. Always hungry and on the hunt for tasty meals, arctic foxes are total foodies and are pretty resourceful when it comes down to eating! In a pinch, they will often wait around for other animals to finish eating, and then scavenge some delectable scraps left behind. Just like we might save some leftover chicken or vegetables by tucking it in the freezer, these cunning critters will store extra food under the snow to mimic the cold of a refrigerator. Arctic foxes are close with their families, and look out for each other’s protection.
Beluga whale