Check out the answers for the I Spy Animals game. Did you find all of the animals, or were a couple expertly hidden? Let us know in the comments!

Check out the answers for the I Spy Animals game. Did you find all of the animals, or were a couple expertly hidden? Let us know in the comments!
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I found 12
That is fun
I found all of them.
I like the wolf it looked cool
Found all!
I love this so much
I found 9/15.
I think 16!
I liked the bear he was just like
Didn’t find any
Found all of the things that were hiding
I found the boreal woodland carbou, gray wolf, mallard duck, lynx,pasific loon, arctic tern, white tailed deer, painted turtle, canadian beaver, red fox, pasific salmon alaskan brown bear, and bald eagle i found 13
Oh I mean 13