Which do you think is worse for the planet: 2 million cars on the road or all the food Canadians throw out in a year? If you guessed wasted food…ding ding! You’re right!
Food waste is a big problem, and as Canadians, we waste a lot of it—2.2 million tonnes of food a year, to be exact. That’s like throwing away the weight of 1000 elephants worth of food every day! As that food breaks down, it releases more greenhouse gases than 2 million cars.
Can you guess how much food we throw out every day in Canada?

Food waste is horror. To us, and planet earth.
4/8 not to bad
1/8 #1try 8/8#2 time
This is bad for the earth really bad
That was a very very very hard quiz
It was really fun
100,00 a day or 100 a day
I got 2/8
I got 4/8
I can’t be a earth ranger