Have you ever noticed that plastic is everywhere? It’s in lots of things we use every day, from our toothbrushes and shampoo bottles to our binders and chairs. Plastic sure seems handy, doesn’t it? Well, not everything is as good as it seems!
The problem with plastic is that it takes a really (we mean REALLY) long time to break down. And when it finally does, it doesn’t actually disappear. It just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces called microplastics, which then get into the air, our water, and our food.
Don’t leave garbage that isn’t that good for the world .
It’s fun
I’ve done it like 1000000000 times!!! Lol
Plastic is bad for the environment and sea creatures dolphins lions tigers all the animals
I love animals and the enrichment and I’ll do anything to help them
First try 1/7 second try 7/7
Let’s go
I got7/7 first try
Did you guys know that there’s an island made completely out of garbage?!?!?!And guess what.ITS THE SIZE OF TEXAS!!!!i wish all of the earth rangers could meet in real life so we could clean it up.Althogh I don’t know how we could do that considering it’s in the water.like maybe half the depth of the ocean deep.its that far in.OK,maybe I’m over doing it,but you guys get it,right?Ya know,water happens to always be sorta deep and big whenever it’s a lake or something.or even in general.now my fingers hurt from typing to much.Owwwwww!!!
Let’s go RED EYED TREE FROGS earth rangers!